About me
I believe…
…that all life is interconnected. We need to move beyond duality thinking so that we recognise the Oneness that exists everywhere, that is both transcendent and immanent.
There is unity in diversity, which is why I became an Interspiritual minister (someone that sees and honours truth in all religions) or what I like to term a Tri-Love™ inclusivist which is someone who believes that beyond religion and theology what matters most is Love, Kindness and Oneness.
I believe, practice and invite others to cultivate an authentic spirituality that requires each individual to:
1.Expand their self awareness by personal development.
2.Express compassion through kindness to others
3.Evolve their relationship with the Sacred by whatever name they choose to call the Unknowable, be it God, Brahma, Allah, Yahweh, Jesus, Buddha, Jehova, Krishna, Mother, Nature, Ground of Being etc
To this end I’ve created the Awaken App which is free to download for iOS devices and have created a charity, to which all my fees for the services I provide are donations towards supporting those working towards social change and improvement for individuals, communities and the environment globally!
I’ve lived long enough to know that what ultimately matters is not the house I live in, the car I drive and all the other fun things I’ve acquired or done along the way, but whether I’ve made a difference by a smile, a donation or a helping hand.
Peace & Blessings always,
Dr Ing